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Bar.BG offers many opportunities for advertising and promotions of your hotel, special services, events or parties and offers You several subscription along with the ability to hire advertising banners for additional advertising.

Ad-page profile of a hotel includes information on the website, photos, videos, telephone with direct customer contact with the hotel, posting specials / hot offers, seasonal prices, opinions of guests comments according to the selected type of subscription. Each hotel profile can be controlled by the owner / manager of the hotel in a very simple way by accessing a specially constructed for this purpose administrative system. More details for inclusion on the site with profile - advertising page of your hotel you can see here.

You can emphasize the comforts of your hotel by including it in the VIP category and/or Top Hotels category; exhibition of VIP and TOP hotels with the highest priority and precedence to display and search to other hotels with a standard subscription. More details how to be included in the VIP and TOP Hotels you can see here. Ranking in search engine results is in the following order - first shown are the VIP hotels, followed by TOP hotels, hotels then paid subscription GOLD and START and then - those with a free subscription.

Additional advertising in the form of advertisements/banners leading to the profile of your hotel or a special promotion, offer can be realized according to your needs and you can choose between different positions and sizes of banners with different prices for each of them. Ask for complete details regarding the banners as items and prices click here. Banner advertising on the site may also use outside companies that are not hoteliers - so visitors can easily understand the products and services that these companies offer. Long-term agreement to offer discounts depending on the selected package and the volume of advertising – please contact us for more details on that.

To contact us please fill in the form below.

Contact us: +359 88 400 8000
Monday-Friday: 10.00 - 17.00 H

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