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BRICIOLE Pasta Pizza Gelato Cicchetti Sofia



Number of guests *
Number of guests Number of guests: 1Number of guests: 2Number of guests: 3Number of guests: 4Number of guests: 5Number of guests: > 5

Address:Ул. Ангел Кънчев 11, София 1000

Phone:087 865 6403

Links Website | Instagram |

Services:Wi Fi, Parking, Card payment, Air Conditioning, Garden/ Terrace, Lunch menu, Company parties, Private parties, Promotions/ Events


Price category:

Bar-type:Bar & Dinner

Delivery |

Number of reviews: 125438


Welcome to BRICIOLE Pasta Pizza Gelato Cicchetti Sofia with address: Ул. Ангел Кънчев 11, София 1000. The bar has a capacity of 60 seats and is one of the bars in Sofia which offers the following types of cuisine: Bar & Dinner, and the following services and extras: Wi Fi, Parking, Card payment, Air Conditioning, Garden/ Terrace, Lunch menu, Promotions/ Events.

The bar is excellent for organizing special events such as: special occasions - birthday parties, weddings, and kid's birthday Parties, company parties, private parties.

Phone number for contact and reservations at BRICIOLE Pasta Pizza Gelato Cicchetti Sofia: 087 865 6403.

Wine list

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